N8paling’s Blog

Massage Therapy
April 4, 2009, 5:47 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I have recently begun a new venture.  I call it Ganesh Muscle Therapy.  The original idea began in Pennsylvania with a classmate at the Pennsylvania School of Muscle Therapy.  Ganesh is a Hindu god with four arms.  Our idea was to offer four-handed massage.  Unfortunately the idea fell through when I returned to my roots in Maine.  But the name lives on at least.

My aim is to provide muscle therapy (massage) services at a more reasonable rate than has been offered before.   The reason I can do this is because I am a school teacher, and so I do not make my living by massage.

I have my own table and am glad to travel to your location.  My hourly rate is designed so that people can begin to make massag a part of their lifestyles.  For example, if I only see you once a month, or once a year, or once for the rest of your life, the rate is one dollar per minute.  However, if you decide to make massage a part of your routine, and I see you twice every month, the rate drops to 45 dollars per hour.  If you decide to make the commitment to get a massage every week, your rate drops again to 35 dollars per hour.  You are helping me accomplish my goal, and being doubly rewarded in the process.  One massage every week, for a very low rate of 35 dollars.  It is a win win situation.

Hello world!
March 2, 2009, 4:04 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Welcome to me , and welcome to you, and welcome to my friends.  I have been ceremoniously presented with a “first blog”, my baby blog, from WordPress.com.  I therefore have decided to use it to give some background and perhaps direction to the author and his interests.

My friends live around the world, and they are used to my random and sometimes profound inquiries to the nature of things.  Please find some of those here.

I am constantly on a path of growth and bettering.  You will find the emotion and challenges of life at the forge expressed here.

I am striving to understand the world of sales and business.  My brain does not work as well as some in this sense.  Have fun analyzing and challenging my latest choices and mistakes here.  And remember to leave comments.

I am a student.  I enjoy meandering through subjects as diverse as language learning (Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese), quantum physics and string theory, eastern religion and mysticism, entrepreneurship, health and fitness, massage therapy, and stand-up comedy, and international and domestic travel.   I will happily engage in posts devoted to these things and more.

My profession is that of a Elementary Spanish teacher, a position that I enjoy deeply.  I enjoy that I can call on my experiences and skills learned all over the world to add value to my classes with my students.    Some of my experiences in teaching force me to pose questions to myself that I would otherwise not seek the answers to.  And some of my experiences are funny or inspiring.  I will share them as I see fit.

Above all, this blog will, like all things, experience, I’m sure, an evolution.   I am curious to see that process and what I will learn about myself and my world as it happens.

Once again, welcome, and leave comments often.